Retorts to Free Palestine

Jerusalem is home to 95 churches, most notably the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the heart of the Old City of east Jerusalem. It is considered the holiest Christian site as it is believed to house the tomb of Jesus.


There are over 400 mosques in Israel, of which some 73 are located in Jerusalem.

Islam is a prominent religion in both Gaza and the West Bank. Most of the population in the State of Palestine are Muslims (85% in the West Bank and 99% in the Gaza Strip).


On 12 September 2005 Israel withdrew the last of its military forces from the Gaza Strip, in a unilateral move that was intended to bring to an end its responsibilities as occupying power in the territory. The preceding weeks were characterized by vigorous activity to remove all signs of Israeli control and presence. Most important was the removal of all Israeli settlers from the area. Immovable structures in the Israeli settlements were, for the most part, reduced to rubble. A single issue remained on the agenda of the Israeli government until the last minute: the fate of some thirty synagogues built in the Gaza Strip settlements during the period of Israeli occupation. The choice was, as far as Israel was concerned, between demolishing the structures, an act which is controversial under Jewish law, and surrendering them to what was expected to be acts of desecration by Palestinians.


The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2022 was 73.6% Jewish, 18.1% Muslim, 1.9% Christian, and 1.6% Druze. The remaining 4.8% included faiths such as Samaritanism and Baháʼí, as well as “religiously unclassified”.


Arab citizens and permanent residents in Israel make up just over 20% of the country’s population. The roughly 2 million people are distinct from Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and Gaza – but they are far from a uniform group. Most are Muslims, but there is also a large Christian Arab minority.


Islam is the second-largest religion in Israel, constituting 1.707 million and around 18.1% of the country’s population as of 2022. The ethnic Arab citizens of Israel make up the majority of its Muslim population, making them the largest minority group in Israel.

The majority of Muslims in Israel are Sunni Islamics.  


With an estimated population of almost 1.9 billion followers as of 2020 year estimation, Muslims comprise around 25% of the world’s total population.  While there are several Islamic schools and branches, the two largest denominations are Sunni Islam (75–90% of all Muslims)and Shia Islam (10–20% of all Muslims).By sheer numbers, South Asia accounts for the largest portion (31%) of the global Muslim population.  By country, Indonesia is the largest in the Muslim world, holding around 12% of all Muslims worldwide outside of the Muslim-majority countries, India and China are home to the largest (11%) and second-largest (2%) Muslim populations, respectively. Due to high Muslim population growth, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world.


According to U.S. officials, the Egyptian government has also been hesitant to allow civilians to exit Gaza through the Rafah gate because of the country’s intense concern over security threats posed by terrorist activities on the Sinai Peninsula.


The only reason why Israel has had less casualties is because Israel protects its citizens, with bomb shelters in every home, they have the Iron Dome that intercepts rockets and at times has had to intercept them daily.  Gaza has fired hundreds of thousands of rockets at Israel during the years.  Why don’t you acknowledge that the Arab countries have always attacked first, be it in 1948, 1967, 1973 etc.  While Palestinian leadership recruit children to commit terrorism, they build their headquarters under schools, nurseries and hospitals amongst civilians, their human shields.  Palestinian leadership digs up the water pipes to make rockets and bombs.  Palestinians commit suicide bombings.  Palestinians still commit “honor” killings of their own daughters and wives stoning them to death if they do not wear their hijab properly, and condone child marriage, the rape of children forcing young girls to populate Gaza for the Islamic Jihad cause.  


The word “genocide” has an actual definition. And it doesn’t include the Palestinian population INCREASING each year, or making up at least 1/5 of the citizens of the country supposedly committing it.  Nor would one expect to find members of that minority amongst the dead in the recent terrorist attack or serving in the army defending that country.


The only side in this conflict that is openly calling for genocide on this land is Hamas. It is literally in their founding charter.


The mission of Hamas, mandated by its charter, is antisemitic, anti-Israel, and anti-Western. In the last quarter-century, the Gaza-based terrorist group has carried out nearly 100 suicide attacks in Israel, murdering approximately 1,000 Israelis.


Hamas has facilitated rocket attacks aiming to murder Israeli civilians as an attempt to rally more Palestinians to join their antisemitic movement, and paint Hamas as the guardian of Palestinian rights.  In addition to being the de facto government of the Gaza Strip, Hamas also purports to be a social service provider, a military movement, and a religious faction. But the four faces of Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, mask a terrorist organization that seeks to eradicate all Jews.  Founded in 1988 during the First Intifada as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.


After the Jewish people, they will come for Americans.


undefinedIslam Phobia - quran verses

5 comments on “Retorts to “Free Palestine

  1. The Real Palestine story
    Lie by lie – debunked.
    “The Palestinians want a state. They deserve a state.”
    They don’t want a state. How do I know? You mean besides the fact that they say it loud and clear.
    They HAD a state given to them in 1937 (Peel Commission), 1947 (The UN Partition Plan), 1967 (The Khartoum Summit), 1991 (The Madrid Conference), 2000 (The Camp David Summit), 2001 (The Arabs Summit), 2005 (The Disengagement from Gaza), 2007 (The Annapolis Conference), 2008 (The Realignment Plan), 2010 (The Joint Peace Talks), 2013 (The Joint Peace Talks), 2019 (The Bahrain Workshop), and 2020 (Trump Peace Plan).
    All those offers were rejected by the Palestinians. They don’t want a state.
    “Israel is occupying the Palestinians including Gaza.”
    Israel removed every single Jew from Gaza in 2005, including dead bodies who they dug up so Hamas wouldn’t commit the atrocities we now know they would have.
    There was zero occupation in Gaza and as far as the claim in general that occupation is what brought Palestinian terrorism? 1929, before any occupation, before there was even a state of Israel, Arabs massacred Jews in Hebron. Google it.
    “Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.”
    From 1990 to 2022 the population of ‘Palestine’ increased from 1.98 million to 5.04 million people. That is a growth of 155% in 32 years.
    Does that sound like genocide to you?
    “Israel is an apartheid state.”
    There are Arabs in literally every possible role in Israeli society from judges to politicians to athletes to actors, and on and on.
    Arabs enjoy more freedom in Israel than in ANY Muslim country.
    Would an apartheid state have representatives from the “oppressed” population in their parliament? Exactly. Stop the nonsense.
    “Gaza has been a prison since Israel evacuated.”
    Israel left in 2005, and handed Gaza over to the Palestinians on a silver platter. No strings attached. Immediately the Palestinians burned down the greenhouses and turned Gaza into a terror base.
    In 2006, they elected Hamas to lead them. Then, and only then, did Israel decide to defend itself from attacks. There were no blockages and no fences before Hamas was elected.
    And if there is any doubt that those measures were necessary, just see what happened on October 7th when Hamas made one hole in that fence.
    “Israel targets innocent people in Gaza.”
    The IDF has made 20,000 calls, dropped 1.5m leaflets and sent 4.4 million SMS & 6 million voice messages urging civilians in northern Gaza to evacuate temporarily for their safety.
    “Israel is perpetuating crimes against humanity by cutting the water and electricity in Gaza.”
    Lie! there has never been a nation in the history of the world that provided water and electricity to an enemy state. We know what Hamas does with the water pipes, the fuel, and the money that comes into Gaza. We have video evidence.
    Shooting rockets into Israeli cities from densely populated areas using civilians as human shields. That’s called a double war crime.
    “The poor innocent Palestinians have nowhere to go!”
    Open a map. See Gaza? See Egypt? See the border between them? That’s right. They can go to Egypt. Egypt doesn’t want them? Well, that’s unfortunate for them.
    Not Israel’s problem.
    “Israel stole Palestinian land and colonized them.”
    When was this so-called Palestine established? What was its currency? Its prime minister? Its language? Its national anthem?
    Never existed.
    Palestine was Israel and was a term hijacked by the terrorist named Yasser Arafat.
    “The PLO and Hamas are political organizations, not terrorists.”
    Go read their charter. Here. I’ll save you the time.
    Direct from their charter:
    “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
    “Peace initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement…
    .There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.”
    “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them.
    Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
    “Zionism scheming has no end, and after Palestine, they will covet expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates River. When they have finished digesting the area on which they have laid their hand, they will look forward to more expansion.
    Their scheme has been laid out in the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’.”
    “The HAMAS regards itself the spearhead and the vanguard of the circle of struggle against World Zionism… Islamic groups all over the Arab world should also do the same, since they are best equipped for their future role in the fight against the warmongering Jews.”
    Still think they’re a political organization? If so, you’re officially an immoral person. Congrats.
    “There are innocent people in Gaza. Israel has no right to attack there!”
    600,000 German civilians were killed during WW2.
    76,000 of those deaths were children.
    One night, when the Allies raided Hamburg, 45,000 people died.
    Does that make the Allies the villains of WW2?
    Does that make WWII an unjust war?
    The goal of war is for good to defeat evil.
    The Nazis were evil for invading Europe and committing genocide.
    Hamas is evil for attacking Israel and swearing to do it again and again until they have murdered all of the Jews in the region.
    You need to recalibrate your moral compass and better sooner than later.
    “Israel is bombing hospitals! It’s a crime against humanity!”
    Hamas, as documented in video uses hospitals and kindergartens as rocket launching pads. There is video evidence of this.
    Israel has and will continue to do everything it can to minimize civilian deaths.
    But guess how many times Hamas rockets have hit Barzilai hospital in the last month. Three! That’s right. Where’s your outrage? It magically disappeared!
    When the world thought Israel was behind the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, they lost it. When the evidence showed that it wasn’t Israel, it wasn’t 500 deaths, and it wasn’t even a hospital but the parking lot adjacent to it, all of a sudden, silence!
    Funny how that works.
    Let’s see, what lies did I miss? I’m sure there are many more but if you have a half a brain in your head, you’ll read this carefully and realize you’re being fed lies and propaganda by a globally recognized terrorist organization.
    You’re choosing to believe the lies.
    Stop buying the lies and use your brain.
    None of what I wrote above is my opinion. These are all hard facts backed up by indisputable evidence.
    If you don’t accept any of the above facts, there are only really three choices.
    1- You’re ignorant and refuse to learn history.
    2- Your intelligence level prevents you from understanding facts.
    3- You are a good ol’ fashioned Jew hater and have now successfully found a way to disguise your hatred of Jews by making things up to vilify the Jewish people.
    So which one is it?
    Stop believing lies. Stop spreading lies. Open your eyes. Believe what Hamas tells you when they say they want all Jews dead and then, they’ll come after all infidels.
    Stop dismissing and discounting their words.
    Good will always prevail and that’s why Israel will be here in 50 years while Hamas will join ancient Egypt, the Romans, the Greeks, the Nazis, and anyone else who has tried to annihilate the Jews. They are long gone but the Jews and their homeland is here, strong, united, and 100% set on sending Hamas straight where they belong.
    Stand with Israel.
    Hillel Fuld.

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