Does an intact #Hymen = Virginity?
Pictures - Images - structure, what it looks like & Where is the Location from Medical Text Books & Website
click to enlarge & view labels - photos courtesy of
Why does the photo say hymen caruncle & not just hymen?
Vulva with pubic hair removed and labia separated to show the opening of the vagina:
- Clitoral hood
- Clitoris
- Labia minora
- Urethral opening
- Vaginal opening - Hymen is around the vaginal opening - see photo's and diagrams below.
- Perineum
- Anus Picture from
- How does the Zulu Tribe test Virginity for the Reed Dance?
- See pictures below for text book labeling of hymen location -
- I've searched and searched for years and haven't found an authoritative picture of a hymen before and after sexual intercourse. If you have an authoritative medical source, not porn, please post it below in comments - ask a question.
- OK, I found a video - but it's GRAPHIC Surgical Procedures!
- VIDEO Hymen Repair Procedure (Hymenoplasty)- Watch How it's Done
- Here's their website and contact information, somehow it just goes against my grain to provide this... either you've had sexual intercourse or you haven't.
- Cherokee Women's Health #Telemedicine
Photo from Bronson (documenting child sexual abuse)
Picture from Hymen - Healthy Strokes visit their website for more
Smart Phone - Read our text & Explanation
Hymen Photo's & Diagrams
More text from Gray's Anatomy * Purchase Book *
- Photo courtesy of
Click on photo to enlarge - Sideway's view
Term Life Insurance Quotes in USA
[alternate misspellings & slang terms virginal * virgina * pussy * hyman * vagina * vargina * vaginal]
- OK, I found a video - but it's GRAPHIC Surgical Procedures!
We are no #longer researching and answering questions on this page. Especially those asking if you are still a virgin. In some countries, it's a criminal act - Honor Killing!
So, don't send us any pictures. We will not tell you if your hymen is intact. You know if a penis has been there or not.
Please just follow the links, references, footnotes & citations above or check with your Medical Professional, legal counsel or Clergy.
You may post your question in comments and hopefully another website visitor can answer it for you. Try checking back in a week or so.
We are not clergy, medical professionals or have any qualifications to determine virginity, especially in cultures, religions and countries not our own, other than the ability to read and google.
How & Why this page was created
This page was originally created as I was taking a class on Jewish Law – Talmud * tractate Kesubos related to the laws of divorce and if the woman was a virgin at the time. While I’ve been selling and consulting on health insurance for years, I’m not truly familiar with human anatomy. I researched the hymen so that I would understate what the Jewish Talmud was saying about it. Then when I went back to class a few weeks later, they went to a different topic – tractate as they said the divorce & virginity laws were too complex and not really relevant in the 21st century.
My point is, I’m a Jewish Guy in the USA and not really qualified to answer questions about if one is a virgin in Africa or the Middle East, with a different culture and religion. Heck, most of what I know about Africa is from watching Tarzan, with Johnny Weissmuller
So, don’t send us pictures, we can’t tell. Here’s how the Zulu tribe tests for virginity.
Click here for summaries of the Jewish Talmud laws of virginity. I don’t really know about the Jewish Law, let alone other cultures and religions.
Why is Virginity so historically important and why #test?
In the Middle Ages and biblical times virginity was a sought-after commodity, primarily because it was the surest method to guarantee paternity, inheritance, child support and estate planning. Look how much trouble with child support, alimony and inheritance we have in California see links below. The only way to make absolutely sure that a child born to a marriage–a child who would inherit property from his father–is a legitimate heir was to bed a virgin bride. Thus a high value was placed on virginity, making it a commodity of sorts. Check out the Zulu Tribe Virgin Reed dance.
A unique feature of the vagina is that it comes hermetically sealed. For centuries, that seal, the hymen, has been the tangible proof of virginity.
An unbroken one that bleeds on the wedding night might prove virginity, but Secular 21st century science says that a broken one does mean a woman has had sexual intercourse and the Jewish Talmud goes into a lot of Q & A and discussion – Wood Injury on that.
An intact hymen, or virgo intacta, offers evidence to the male block of society (the clergy, the courts, the crown, fathers, and future husbands…all the ones who have assigned a high monetary value to virginity) that determined its presence. The most obvious way to verify a woman’s virginity was to inspect the hymen. History Undressed – Virginity Testing *
Ritual Purity
Samaritan oil lamp: Characterized by a sealed filling hole, which was to be broken by the buyer. This was probably done to ensure ritual purity Wikipedia * Like the miracle of Chanukah, where they had non kosher oil and it took eight days to make kosher oil. Chabad *
Picture from Wikipedia
Bibliography, Resources & Links
Christianity – Jesus son of G-d had to be born of a Virgin
- Both Matthew and Luke make a point of explicitly stating Mary’s virginity. The early Christian text the Protoevangelium of James (around A.D. 150) includes a memorable scene where a woman physically verifies Mary’s virginity, right after Christ’s birth. Busted Halo *
- And the midwife went forth out of the cave, and Salome met her. And she said to her: Salome, Salome, I have a strange sight to relate to you: a virgin has brought forth — a thing which her nature admits not of. Then said Salome: As the Lord my God lives, unless I thrust in my finger, and search the parts, I will not believe that a virgin has brought forth.
- 20. And the midwife went in, and said to Mary: Show yourself; for no small controversy has arisen about you. And Salome put in her finger, and cried out, and said: Woe is me for mine iniquity and mine unbelief, because I have tempted the living God; and, behold, my hand is dropping off as if burned with fire. New *
Links, Bibliography & Resources
for the Definition Virginity
- history
- Sex Info ONLINE – Cultural Significance of intact hymen
- merck
- healthy gallery
- wikipedia.orgVagina
- science
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What is the Definition of the Hymen
This #stretchy skin – Hymen (explicit textbook photos) covers the opening of the vagina. In slang, it’s called a ”cherry” that can be ”popped” or torn when a girl loses her virginity. The hymen, however, can also be broken by being active, sports, horseback riding, etc.
The hymen is a membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia, and is similar in structure to the vagina. In children, although a common appearance of the hymen is crescent-shaped, many shapes are possible.
The effects of sexual intercourse and childbirth on the hymen are variable. If the hymen is sufficiently elastic, it may return to nearly its original condition. In other cases, there may be remnants (carunculae myrtiformes), or it may appear completely absent after repeated penetration. Additionally, the hymen may be lacerated by disease, injury, medical examination, masturbation or physical exercise. For these reasons, the state of the hymen is not a conclusive indicator of virginity. Learn More see links below
Virginity for women in some cultures & religions may be defined as having an intact “hymen.”
The hymen is located about a half-inch inside the vagina. Not all girls are born with hymens, which makes this definition of virginity somewhat misleading.
Hymenoplasty to #Restore the Hymen
- Question Can a reconstructive hymen [surgery] be made for me and how much will it cost
- Answer – Hymenoplasty surgery is a procedure that restores the hymen. The hymen is the membrane that partially covers the vagina. Although an intact hymen is thought in many cultures to be a sign of virginity, it can be torn due to many other factors besides having sex. New Look New * cherokee womens
- Graphic Video of surgical repair it’s so graphic, I hesitate to watch it!
- Graphic Photo
- Maybe Cherokee Women’s Health can tell you if you’re a virgin? Contact them.
- Hymen Repair
- Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure that is not medically indicated. Learn More Science
- IMHO I think this is deceitful…. Either you’ve had intercourse or you didn’t
- Wikipedia
- Among the medical profession, hymen reconstruction receives particular attention and its necessity is debated because the surgery is not medically indicated, and often reveals conflicting social norms on virginity and marriageability between health professionals and their patients. Source BMC Women’s Health
- A hymen may be ruptured by sexual intercourse and several other means. In cultures prizing unmarried women’s virginity, premarital rupture may shame a woman, and her family. Women, including brides whose virginity is not proven at marriage, face humiliation, ostracism, divorce, and violence-at the extreme, “honor” killing. Nevertheless, gynecologists may oppose hymen reconstruction on grounds that it is deceptive, not medically required, or that the requirement of evidence of virginity discriminates against women and the procedure supports holding them to higher standards of virtue than are required of men. Gynecologists may justify the procedure, however, as serving health, which includes patients’ mental and social well-being and women’s human rights to control their own bodies. Further, many adolescents lose their virginity innocently, by rape or coercion, and, without hymen reconstruction, women may face violence and even death. The procedure is usually lawful, and distinguishable from female genital cutting or mutilation.
- Hymenoplasty is one of the least described vulvovaginal procedures in plastic surgery without any surgical standard that attempts to restore the hymen’s ability to bleed during sexual intercourse on a couple’s wedding night.
- Graphic Video of surgical repair it’s so graphic, I hesitate to watch it!
- Question – I was in a car accident, fell off a horse, climb a fence, put in a tampon, masterbated, did pole vaulting and broke my hymen. Will health insurance in the USA pay for reconstructive surgery
- Answer I doubt it. I don’t see how one would be able to show Medical Necessity
- A service is “medically necessary” or a “medical necessity” when it is reasonable and necessary to protect life, to prevent significant illness or significant disability, or to alleviate severe pain
Intact Hymen #Inspection and proof of virginity
- Please show a picture on how this hyme [hymen] is being destroyed – broken
- We have searched and searched and searched and haven’t found anything medically recognized and accepted… If you do, please post the links below.
- Here’s plenty of textbook pictures & graphs of the hymen
- Zulu Tribe Testing for the Virgin Reed Dance
- We have searched and searched and searched and haven’t found anything medically recognized and accepted… If you do, please post the links below.
- My boyfriend tried to have intercourse with me, but I pushed him back because I don’t want to do this before our wedding. He tried to push anyway. There was a little spot of blood a single drop. I tried to check my hymen and my finger doesn’t go inside. There is just a small cut on upper part of hymen but it doesn’t go deep. Please tell me will I bleed next time?
- The Jewish Talmud deals with questions about what happens if there is no blood on the wedding sheets. Was there “Penetration?”
- I’m not a doctor, you might try
- is the hymen inside the vergina [vagina] or beside?
- The hymen is basically like a very thin piece to skin or tissue that covers the OUTSIDE of the vagina‘s entrance. Or just part of the entrance. If you still have one, you can probably easily see it with a small mirror.
- Another fact, is that some hymens are very thick and tough– even with the above activities, and sometimes even with sexual experience, it still won’t break or tear all the way! This is a bit rare, but it certainly does happen.
- The truth– as long as a girl/woman has never had penetrative sexual intercourse (vaginally) with another person– she is still a virgin. Plain and simple. So don’t worry, using a tampon or a cup cannot take away virginity.
- Here is a drawing example of the different types of hymens:
- menstrual cup info.virgins-and-menstrual-cups
- See our webpage above for pictures and description – definition
- my Virginia [Vagina – hymen] has a hole in it a Small hole ..but i don’t know why because I have never had sex before does it mean I broke my hymen
- First off, I’m not a doctor nor religious law expert. There are many types of hymen’s young womens hymens/See paragraph 3 under the definition of hymen above and the link to wikipedia. Modern Medical science states that a hymen can be broken even if you don’t have sex.
- I have 2 childerns for normal delivery 2 person sex do my heman so long so wide what is truth i chek my pussy total open plz sent details [I’ve given birth to 2 children by vaginal delivery. The children were conceived through sexual intercourse. I checked my vagina and my hymen is now very long and wide it’s totally open. What condition should my hymen be in?]
- This is the vulva of a woman who has given birth. The hymen is completely gone, or nearly so.
- Photo courtesy of healthy
- Girl feel pain after first time sex? If first time penis goes easily in vegina [vagina] cay say already have been got sex.
Loss of virginity – #Masturbation
- Can you break the hymen – are you still a virgin if you masterbate?
- While you might break the hymen, you haven’t had sexual intercourse. You might not have proof acceptable for biblical or medieval times, but is the question having had intercourse or having a membrane that modern science doesn’t agree with?
- (Young Women’s Health * * * * Psychology Today *
- Rewire News In medical reference books, we won’t find a definition of virginity like we’ll find for dermatitis or a given nerve or muscle, because virginity is neither a medical condition nor is it anatomical (a body part).
- The hymen — now called the corona — is folds of thin, flexible membrane just inside the vaginal opening most female-bodied people have at birth. It gradually wears away over time through puberty and adulthood (through our normal vaginal discharges, menstruation, because of hormones, physical activity and yes, also with vaginal sexual activities), with or without any kind of sex
- Most female-bodied people who have started menstruating and been through some of the process of puberty will not have fully intact hymens anymore, even if they have not had any kind of sex OR masturbated.
- Our Bodies OurSelves
- The vaginal corona may tear or thin out during exercise, masturbation or tampon use, or during other forms of vaginal penetration. Because of this, no one can look at a vaginal corona and know whether a person has had vaginal intercourse, or even whether she has masturbated.
- some say the hymen can be broken by masturbation, some say no?.
- Since the vaginal corona isn’t a brittle membrane, the sensation when you first stretch out the mucous tissue folds — whether you’re inserting a tampon, masturbating, or having insertive sex — is a highly individual experience.
- “The mythical status of the hymen has caused far too much harm for far too long,” and the hymen has wrongly been “portrayed as the boundary between guilt and innocence.”
- In your culture and religion, what defines virginity? An intact hymen or must there be sexual penetration by a male penis?
- While you might break the hymen, you haven’t had sexual intercourse. You might not have proof acceptable for biblical or medieval times, but is the question having had intercourse or having a membrane that modern science doesn’t agree with?
- Can a seven year old break her hymen lose her virginity from fingering herself
- Yes she can break her hymen
- The Facts: Most people agree that guys and girls lose their virginity the first time they have sex with another person. Even if a girl stretches her hymen masturbating, if she hasn’t had sex play with someone else, she is still a virgin.
- There are a number of things that can cause your hymen to tear or wear down. Certain physical activities and sports, for example, can stretch the membrane and cause it to thin. This includes:
- horseback riding
- riding bicycles
- climbing trees or jungle gyms
- playing on obstacle courses
- gymnastics
- dancing
- It’s also important to remember that not all vaginal penetration is sex!
- Your hymen may also wear down during nonsexual forms of penetration, such as:
- inserting tampons or menstrual cups
- getting a Pap smear
- getting a transvaginal ultrasound
- Sometimes the hymen bleeds when it tears. The amount of blood will vary from person to person.
- It’s also possible that you won’t bleed when your hymen tears, just as it’s possible that you won’t bleed the first time you have vaginal sex. Many people don’t. health
- Can I lose my virginity by inserting a tampon?
- No. Virginity is not something physical or medical. It’s a cultural idea, about which many people have different definitions and opinions. Concepts of virginity are sometimes linked with the idea that your vaginal opening is covered by a membrane, often referred to as the hymen, that is “broken” by vaginal sex.
- The vaginal corona (also known as the hymen) consists of thin folds of mucous tissue located 1–2 centimeters just inside the vaginal opening (1). Anna Knöfel Magnusson of the RFSU (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) wrote about it in the booklet Vaginal Corona: Myths surrounding virginity:
- “Every corona looks different, and differs in size, colour and shape. It is slightly pink, almost transparent, and may resemble the petals of a flower, a jigsaw piece or a half-moon. In the vast majority of cases, it is elastic and stretchy. Very rarely, the mucous tissue folds may cover the entire vaginal opening. In that case, it might be necessary to see a gynecologist and have the vaginal corona opened to release menstrual blood, to enable insertion of a tampon or penetrative sex.” —Anna Knöfel, Vaginal Corona: Myths surrounding virginity
- The vaginal corona can be gradually diminished by basic daily physical activity, not just by inserting things (like tampons, menstrual cups, toys, or fingers) into the vagina. The hormonal changes that occur as people mature through puberty can also change the shape and flexibility of the vaginal corona (2).
- Regardless of whether you use tampons or not, your vaginal corona (if you had one to begin with) will wear away over time. The anatomy and purpose of the vaginal corona is not very well understood, and more research is needed.
- You Tube How To Put On a Tampon
- If actually the hymen covers the entrance to the vagina How then can menstruation flow out…
- The hymen doesn’t fully cover the entrance to the vagina. See the:
Pictures and diagrams above Note the vaginal opening
Definition of hymen above
- The hymen doesn’t fully cover the entrance to the vagina. See the:
#What is a Virgin?
How do I know if I’m a virgin or if a woman is a virgin?
Virginity mean that the person never engaged in sexual intercourse. See Wikipedia Virginity & Sexual Intercourse for more detail.
There are cultural and religious traditions like Traditional Judaism Talmud Summary – Old Testament and the Zulu Tribe Virgin Reed Dance that does their own virginity testing to see if the woman qualifies. Some societies place special value and significance on this state, predominantly towards unmarried females, associated with notions of personal purity, honor and worth.
Like chastity, the concept of virginity has traditionally involved sexual abstinence. The concept of virginity usually involves moral or religious issues and can have consequences in terms of social status and in interpersonal relationships. Although virginity has social implications and had significant legal implications in some societies in the past, it has no legal consequences in most societies today.
The term virgin originally only referred to sexually inexperienced women, but has evolved to encompass a range of definitions, as found in traditional, modern and ethical concepts. Heterosexual individuals may or may not consider loss of virginity to occur only through penile-vaginal penetration, The social implications of virginity still remain in many societies and can have varying effects on an individual’s social agency based upon location.
See links, resources & bibliography below.
Wikipedia Virginity & Sexual Intercourse
- How would I no [know] if am a virgin
- Have you engaged in Sexual Intercourse?
- See the definition of Virgin above.
- Here’s my research on how the Zulu tribe tests for virginity and eligibility to perform in the Reed Dance
What countries & Societies in the 21st Century do Virginity Tests?
- Zulu Tribe
- Tajikistan
- India
- Virginity is like a first virtue demanded from unmarried females in India. It is expected that a girl shouldn’t have taken part intercourse before her marriage.
- The two-finger test – the most ‘tested’ and ‘scientifically proved’ method was adopted in the largest democratic country in the world for years.
- In this, a doctor inserts two fingers inside her vagina – to check whether the hymen is broken or not – if it is broken – if the fingers of doctor penetrate easily inside the vagina of female, it is deemed that rape survivor is habitual of sexual intercourse, and vice verse if the fingers don’t penetrate easily.
- India has banned the test for rape victims. Rapes where hymen of a female is kept intact intentionally?
- The most important part is – we consider a girl virgin only if her hymen is intact. Let me say something that looks harsh – we consider a girl pure only if, in the morning after the first night, the bedsheet has red spots – coloured from the blood that flourished from ‘pure’ vagina of the bride. If there isn’t blood – she isn’t virgin. youth–hymen
- Jewish Talmud goes into a lot of Q & A and discussion – Wood Injury on how the hymen might not be intact for reasons other than sexual intercourse. The woman might not have blood or an intact hymen due to dozens of things, like climbing over a fence or masterbation.
- It is interesting to see that modern India has arguably the most conservative approach towards virginity.
- Virginity is seen as directly linked to moral values and principles, with several instances of “virginity tests” of women being conducted in various parts of India cropping up in the news. Matrimonial ads have also been known to explicitly state that the bride being sought MUST be a virgin.
- she the
- Honor Killing – A lot of countries, see list, some may not do it (much) anymore.
#Muslim Definition of Virginity
- Virginity in Islam – All you Need to Know as a Muslim
- Any physical rupture of the hymen, regardless of whether it is unconnected to sexual activity, is considered evidence of lost virginity EMRO * *
- Contrast that with Jewish Talmud on “Wood Injury” where hymen is not intact for reasons other than sexual intercourse.
- Can a Gynecologist See If You’re a Virgin?
Virginity testing:
a systematic review by USA National Institute of Health
- The hymen, two-finger, or per vaginal examination, is the inspection of the female genitalia to assess if the examinee has had or has been habituated to sexual intercourse.
- Wikipedia -two finger test – tests for laxity of vaginal muscles with fingers (the “two-finger test”). A doctor performs the test by inserting a finger into the female’s vagina to check the level of vaginal laxity, which is used to determine if she is “habituated to sexual intercourse” See also test
- However, the usefulness of these criteria has been questioned by medical authorities and opponents of virginity testing because vaginal laxity and the absence of a hymen can both be caused by other factors, and the “two-finger test” is based on subjective observation
- India Supreme Court in 2013 banned the test for rape victims – Read More >> Hindustan * This looks like it might be the India Supreme Court Actual Decision
- Indonesian Army ends the two finger test 2021 Read More>>>
- How the Zulu tribe determines an intact hymen and vaginal laxity.
- Secular
- Religious Rules
- Judaism Wood Injury
- Conclusions
- This paper is the first systematic review of available evidence on the medical utility of virginity testing by hymen examination and its potential impacts on the examinee.
- Despite the lack of evidence of medical utility and the potential harms, health professionals in multiple settings continue to practice virginity testing, including when assessing for sexual assault. health professionals must be better informed and medical and other textbooks updated to reflect current medical knowledge.
- Countries should review their policies and move towards a banning of virginity testing.
- Our review found that virginity testing is not good at detecting who has not had sexual intercourse, and that it can hurt the person being tested – physically, mentally, and socially. Our hope is to make more people and countries aware of this to prevent harm to women and girls. USA National Institute of Health *
- VIDEO The hymen – A marker of virginity? Is an intact hymen a sign of virginity in women?
- No – that’s a myth that’s caused harm to young women the world over. DW explains how hymens come in different shapes and why it’s impossible to tell if a woman is a virgin by examining it.
The two-finger test also known as the PV (Per Vaginal) refers to an intrusive physical examination of a woman’s vagina to figure out the laxity of vaginal muscles and whether the hymen is distensible or not. In this, the doctor puts two fingers inside the woman’s vagina and the ease with which the fingers penetrate her are assumed to be in direct proportion to her sexual experience. Thus, if the fingers slide in easily the woman is presumed to be sexually active and if the fingers fail to penetrate or find difficulty in penetrating, then it is presumed that she has her hymen intact, which is a proof of her being a virgin.
Virgin is a person who has had no previous sexual experience. Worldwide a great premium is attached to a woman’s virginity being a sign of her character and marriageability, so much so that women resort to whitening, tightening, reconstruction and other surgical interventions
to have that perfect vagina. There are also artificial hymens; prosthetics used to fake virginity, that are easily available online. Science has debunked the myth of an intact hymen being proof of a woman’s virginity. Moreover, sex doesn’t necessarily have to be vaginal. A woman can engage in oral or anal sex and still be considered a virgin in the traditional sense. Read More from Dr. Vageshwari Deswal is an academician, author, feminist and activist working as Professor at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.
California & USA
Rape Laws
Shouse Law - California Law VIDEO
forensic pathology - rupture of hymen not required - scroll down and see "rape on a virgin" & child - hymen shows tears.
U.S. Department of Justice - A National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations
Wikipedia Where in a rape case doctor’s found hymen intact, merely because doctors stated that partial penetration was possible, no such inference could be drawn in favor of the prosecution and the conviction in the rape case was set aside by the High Court.
Penetrated Sexually
Another definition of a virgin is a girl whose vagina has not been penetrated sexually. The problem with this definition is that there are different ways of penetration and definitions of “sex.”
For instance, one person might think that any penetration of the vagina equals sexual intercourse. * Other people restrict the definition of “sex” to penetration by the penis.
Learn More
FAQ’s Penetrated Sexually
- I was a virgin and he only put the tip of [his] penis [in my vagina] Do you think I may lose my virginity like that?
- Britannica Dictionary definition of PENETRATIVE — used to describe sexual activity in which a man puts his penis into another person’s vagina or anus penetrative sex
- Sexual penetration is defined as the insertion, to any extent, the penis into the vagina
- how much penetration is considered penetration? And the simple answer to that question is as stated in the legislation, “to any extent”,
- It is important to note that when considering a sexual penetration in relation to the vagina, that the external genitalia is included as part of the vagina, so any penetration of the labia, being the fold of skin around the vaginal opening, will also constitute sexual penetration Read More Attorney Website Australia
- See FAQ on labia
- My boyfriend put his penis around my virgina [vagina] but it doesn’t bleed, did I lose my virginity?
- See FAQ above
- Note too, that it’s remotely possible to get pregnant without sexual intercourse, if sperm gets in or near the vagina. ( The movie Quinceanera (wikipedia) Movie Trailer was based on a young girl getting pregnant without sexual intercourse.
- What definition of virginity does your culture and religion use?
- Does oral sex count as sexual penetration?
- It really depends on your culture, religion and personal beliefs, that is, the definition of virginity and sexual intercourse. Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse (or coitus or copulation) is sexual activity typically involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both.[1] This is also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex.
- Other forms of penetrative sexual intercourse include anal sex (penetration of the anus by the penis), oral sex (penetration of the mouth by the penis or oral penetration of the female genitalia), fingering (sexual penetration by the fingers), and penetration by use of a dildo (especially a strap-on dildo).[4][5] These activities involve physical intimacy between two or more individuals and are usually used among humans solely for physical or emotional pleasure and can contribute to human bonding.There are different views on what constitutes sexual intercourse or other sexual activity, which can impact on views on sexual health. Although sexual intercourse, particularly the variant coitus, generally denotes penile–vaginal penetration and the possibility of creating offspring, it also commonly denotes penetrative oral sex and penile–anal sex, especially the latter. It usually encompasses sexual penetration, while non-penetrative sex has been labeled “outercourse”,[9] but non-penetrative sex may also be considered sexual intercourse.[4][10] Sex, often a shorthand for sexual intercourse, can mean any form of sexual activity. Because people can be at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections during these activities, safer sex practices are recommended by health professionals to reduce transmission risk. Jewish Talmud in tractate Kesubos goes into the definitions extensively. - What definitions and culture apply to you?
- What about masturbation?
- See our section on that.
Definition #Vagina
Vagina, canal in female mammals that receives the male reproductive cells, or sperm, and is part of the birth canal during the birth process. In humans, it also functions as an excretory canal for the products of menstruation.
The muscle walls of the vagina are thick and elastic in order to accommodate both the movement of the penis during intercourse and the passage of a child during delivery.
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- Los Angeles Herpes Support Group
- Wikipedia – Herpes
- The Atlantic – Overblown Stigma of Herpes
- Home Tests
- Under Health Care Reform – Insurance companies, Medi-Cal nor Covered CA can ask about any illness to decide if they will write you health insurance. It’s all guaranteed issue §2701. Learn more about Metal Level Plans.
- Legal Issues – Negligence – Infecting someone else
- Mutual Stimulation only? Impotence – Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior
- Serologic evidence of herpes simplex virus type 1 infection is associated with cognitive impairment (Mayo Clinic Wikipedia) in individuals with bipolar disorder. biological psychiatry or Extract – 1 page, you have to pay for the article –
We are no #longer researching and answering questions on this page. Especially those asking if you are still a virgin. In some countries, it's a criminal act - Honor Killing!
So, don't send us any pictures. We will not tell you if your hymen is intact. You know if a penis has been there or not.
Please just follow the links, references, footnotes & citations above or check with your Medical Professional, legal counsel or Clergy.
You may post your question in comments and hopefully another website visitor can answer it for you. Try checking back in a week or so.
We are not clergy, medical professionals or have any qualifications to determine virginity, especially in cultures, religions and countries not our own, other than the ability to read and google.
Differentiate it
Differentiate what?
That was an valuable post
I wanna check my hymen here how can I send a photo
Cherokee Medical Group does hymen repair. Check with them. Contact information above.
Maybe this clinic in Egypt can help.
Also see the two finger test.
Testing for Zulu Virgin Reed Dance
Good guide
this is fantastic and really helpful
í ½í¸»
Good explanation
My BF [boy friend] was penetrate me from anal while he was on the top of me and by mistake
he only inserted the tip of his penis in my hymen for 1 cm and i moved out myself right a way and
we both didn’t feel anything happened but then after a while I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding.
I tried to check several times my hymen.
And I can see that its there so how i can know that my hymen is still there or not?
We’ve answered similar questions… look around on this page.
See also, that modern science doesn’t agree…
We are also AFRAID to answer this type of question, considering that in some countries women get killed for less!
In my conservative Christian view, you have not been chaste and are no longer a virgin, no matter whether your hymen is intact or not; because you have voluntarily been naked and made out with your boyfriend, including anal penetration by mistake according to you. You are no longer a virgin regardless of the status of your hymen, so don’t waste your time checking. You want to check your hymen just in the hope that it is still intact and that you can deceive your next boyfriend. Do you honestly think your next boyfriend would see you as a pure virgin if he were to know what sexual activities you have already had with a man or men before him? So stop fooling yourself and future men.
Thank you very much for your response.
i had penetrated sex with my boyfriend for the first time , i felt pain but there was no blood came out, did i lost my virginity!?
How long should penis penetrate via by reaching Virginia to release sperm? and what penis size is able to reach woman virgin during sexual intercourse
Check these websites:
Penis size and fertility may be correlated, but the relationship is indirect— both are influenced by testosterone levels, among other factors. People with penises of all lengths, widths, and shapes have children naturally.
Does Penis Size Affect Fertility?
Victim of attempted honor killing interview
I want to know and learn more about my reproductive organ especially my vagina
Everything I know about it, is on this page. Try wikipedia.
I used to masturbate, not any more.
But I have never inserted my fingers into my vagina. Does that mean my hymen is broken or I’m not a virgin anymore??
I checked it, using a mirror and there was a pink color skin in between my libra but there was no opening. Pls clarify me on this🙏
I am being concerned about my virginity especially since I live in an Islamic environment and this matter is considered really important.
After an unintentional entrance while having sex, I cannot tell whether I’m still virgin or not. Knowing that there was no blood but the shape of the vagina has changed, I have no clue about the truth and I cannot visit a doctor because it would be a shame for my whole family if I did lost my virginity.
I appeal to you sir, if you can provide some help please let me know I no longer want to keep being hunted by doubts as I’m getting close to the age of marriage (I’m 23 yo). The color of labia is a bit pale (I can send a picture if it’s necessary).
1st off, I’m not clergy, a physician nor an attorney.
It sounds to me like you did have a penis enter your vagina. Thus, in what I thought was the definition of virginity, you would no longer be one.
Judaism in the Talmud talks about wood injury for various reasons for the hymen not being intact other than sexual intercourse.
21st Century Medical Science does not seem to think that one can tell conclusively if a woman is a virgin by a physical exam.
What country are you from?
Is there some kind of inspection for women who are getting married?
I’ve been searching for over 10 years to find a medically “approved” definition and photo’s of an intact or broken hymen and if that truly shows if one is a virgin.
See above on the Muslim definition of virginity, which talks about an intact hymen, but apparently nothing about reasons for it breaking other than sexual intercourse.
See above on virginity testing…the World Health Organization appears opposed too
You might check with Cherokee Women’s Health Telemedicine for a virtual exam
Not sure if u have lost your virginity, kindly send the picture for more studies i will revert back to you for more lesson. ( )
I’ve removed the email address – as it’s been reported to be a scammer and/or a criminal.
In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a “wedding” ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard – essentially raped by her “husband.” Source Wikipedia
Sir… I Have to check my Gf’s [Girl Friends] virginity.
What is your definition of virginity?
What rules are you going by? Civil Law, Moslem, Hindu, Jewish?
See our sections above on
What is a Virgin?,
Virginity Testing and
how the Zulu Tribe tests for who can participate in the Virgin Reed Dance.
Please kindly send me clear photos of seal pussy and broken pussy
how can I take idea of my wife pussy is seal or already break
please send me explain about it and send me photos
Everything we know and have on this subject matter is on this page and on the Jewish Talmud Discussion Page.
There are tons of reasons a hymen might not be intact, besides sexual intercouse.
Is it impossible to have sex with condom while you are virgin to a man?
Can I get pregnant as a virgin, with penetrating sex but the hymen did not break during sexual intercourse?
Yes. The hymen is “elastic“
Hi sir? is it possible to lose virginity if the sexual intercourse is not exact like the penis going in, but just in labia minora? it didn’t even enter in the vaginal opening.
Also, is it possible to get pregnant if sperm cells get splashed like one drop?
The conception that occurs due to semen reaching the outer vaginal area (accidentally or intentionally) without intercourse is sometimes called a “splash pregnancy” or “virgin pregnancy.”
As long as some semen makes its way to the vulva or vaginal areas, you have a chance of getting pregnant. If ejaculation can occur slightly inside of the vagina, that’s even better.
It’s not clear how likely it is that conception will happen. Some studies of women with lifelong vaginismus have found that some had a child this way.4 But there are no studies looking at the odds of using this method to get pregnant. Very Well
A lot of these definitions go by the civil law of the country you are in or what religion you are going by. Australia Civil law considers any penetration to counts…
Is it possible to lose virginity? If the sexual intercourse is not precisely the penis entering the vaginal opening, but just in the labia minora?
We’re a live-in partner for 2yrs and 27 years old, but I’m not ready yet to give him my virginity because I wanted to give him if we’re already married. That’s why our way of sexual intercourse is his p*nis not yet allowed to enter but just on the outside, which is the labia minora. Is it possible to lose my virginity?
See above about the Australian Civil – Criminal Code and splash or virgin pregnancy.
See Wikipedia on definition of Sexual intercourse
See above for definition of virginity
This is an advertising comment – some would say spam. But at least it’s on topic and relevant, so the webmaster decided to leave it here.
If you’re asking on this webpage—it’s likely that you should wait for marriage as this webpage deals with making sure one is a virgin before marriage.
How well do you know this person?
Have you held hands?
Here’s an FAQ when a new husband asked the same question
I’m probably not the one to answer the question for you. Do you have an older sister, friend, etc. to talk to? Clergy? Doctor? Therapist? Your fiance? Boyfriend.
I am virgin but my vagina hole looks different from others
I could not even had sex with my partner as I felt too much pain…
Is it normal?
Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
Painful intercourse can occur for reasons that range from structural problems to psychological concerns. Many women have painful intercourse at some point in their lives.
The medical term for painful intercourse is dyspareunia (dis-puh-ROO-nee-uh), defined as persistent or recurrent genital pain that occurs just before, during or after sex. Talk to your doctor if you’re having painful intercourse. Treatments focus on the cause, and can help eliminate or lessen this common problem.
See article from Mayo Clinic
I. N me friend alli we’re little we playd wif batbies alli put misha foot in her heyman hole I didnt have one so I shoveled Barbie foot her pink shoe got stuck in my vergina then my brother told his friend
Hello sir
I am a gril my age is about 32 years but I broked my vijina by my boy friend but now he left me alone but my marriage fix now
I m worried about my first night…..what I do
See our reply to a similar question below
I’m not clear on your question, are you going to marry your boyfriend?
For a secular – non religious suggestions, try Cosmopolitan Magazine. For a religious answer, try your clergy.
External transplant varginity is good for you
Tnx alot
Very Informative Information to all of us, Thanks for sharing the very valuable information, you can check this article about biology books i found this on the internet and i am also a medical student.
If a woman got pregnant without intercourse and facing a miscarriage within a month and is heavily bleeding so was her hymen intact or not?
Researchers have studied a phenomenon called “virgin pregnancy” to understand why it would be reported. In a survey of 7,870 pregnant women, they discovered that 0.8 percent of the women (45 total) reported becoming pregnant without having vaginal sex.
What does bleeding from a miscarriage look like?
Bleeding may start as light spotting, or it could be heavier and appear as a gush of blood. As the cervix dilates to empty, the bleeding becomes heavier.
The heaviest bleeding is generally over within three to five hours from the time heavy bleeding begins. Lighter bleeding may stop and start over one to two weeks before it completely ends.
The color of the blood can range from pink to red to brown. Red blood is fresh blood that leaves the body quickly. Brown blood, on the other hand, is blood that’s been in the uterus a while. You may see discharge the color of coffee grounds, or near black, during a miscarriage.
Exactly how much bleeding you’ll experience depends on a variety of circumstances, including how far along you are and whether or not your miscarriage is progressing naturally.
While you may see a lot of blood, let your doctor know if you fill more than two sanitary pads an hour for two or more hours in a row.
As far as an “intact hymen” please review everything on this page, the links and the Jewish Talmud on “Wood Injury” where a hymen might not be intact for many non penetrative sex reasons.
Yeah, really great information, Thanks for sharing.
Check also:
In addition, yoga also encourages mindfulness and living in the present moment, which helps you focus on your partner and your current activity more. This, in turn, improves communication and overall experience.
And sir how to convince someone to sex with me
Considering how my research all points to the importance of virginity and questionable proofs, like an intact hymen, it may be that the question is, how to propose marriage.
These was really helpful
Wow, I found this very educative , I wish every man can can read this to get educated that a woman’s virginity can not only be proved when there’s blood spilled after sex as other factors can also break the hymen asides sexual intercourse.
Also have heard of a marriage that scattered coz, the husband did not find any blood stain after having sex with the wife claiming that the wife has deceived him all along saying she was a virgin, well, the wife in the other hand still insisted she was a virgin.
Probably, the wife was saying the truth 😭😭😭😭
So the only best ways to test virginity is through
Or just the secret remains between the person who did the act and a deity, the deity will be the final judge right?
The future marriage partner of the person will know nothing of the secret engraved in the consciousness of the non virgin partner who was in a rush to sex (that destroyed the marriage vow faithfulness). Moreover, a secret of a past rape or incest unintentional will be in the bedroom, A secret liberated by sharing and understanding between parties.
Romans 1:25 Intelligent Designer knows the secrets.
I have married just 3 Day’s before and trying for intercourse from last two days as I’m not experience for this and while I’m going to enter my penis to vagina I faced difficulty for this that means I can’t enter my penis as my penis is normal size.
Please suggest me the proper ways for doing doing this.
Here’s some other websites you might check out to find some help:
How to Enjoy Your Wedding Night–As a Virgin! | Christian Marriage Advice
As a woman… all women are different.
Do not get mad or find it annoying.
Like in all things; it just takes time. A lil at a time is what I suggest to you. Like, make sure you do a lot of foreplay (all foreplay; kissing, grabbing, rubbing…
licking… etc.) before you even try to have sex with your wife. She firstly needs to be in the receiving mood. You can never just go straight and stick it in. Take your time. Use your hands first… then, what she is comfortable with… go for it. But keep in mind. Until she is fully comfortable, you may have to finish yourself off for the time being. It may take a few months. But don’t lose hope. It will get better. She isn’t experienced yet, so she will not blow you off to finish (sorry about my language, it is what it is.)
I’m really trying to help. Because she isn’t experienced, you must show her things… but again, let it be on her time. When she is comfortable. Cause until then, it will not be comforting for her and she will reject you.
I hope this helps you and your wife. Blessings on blessings always for the two of you…
Keep the faith.
Thanks Me Aloha
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I. See to holes if I lift up a piece of skin one on the right one on the left in the midel of a pice of skin in the bottom hole in my place you now what I am talking about is that my heymen
Sorry, your question is beyond our expertise. Check with your gynecologist
if i have a pink skin and a hole underneath it, does that mean I’m no longer a virgin😳😳😳
i never had sex b4 [before] so i’m confused by that small hole under my light pink skin
This too is a question beyond our pay grade. Check with your gynecologists’. If you haven’t had sexual intercourse your a virgin.
Jewish Talmud goes into a lot of detail on if a broken hymen was broken by sexual intercourse or some other reason and the woman is a virgin. “Wood Injury”
am so afraid of having my first sex, how can I overcome my fears
Are you married?
What is your religious background?
Moral & Ethical Thoughts?
Do you love this person?
What if you get pregnant?
Some Ultra Orthodox Jews don’t even touch… my jewish shomer-negiah/
Answers to your question can run from waiting till marriage to say the more liberal Cosmopolitan Magazine Even Cosmo doesn’t say you should have sex, just to have it…
If you’re asking on this webpage—it’s likely that you should wait for marriage as this webpage deals with making sure one is a virgin before marriage.
How well do you know this person?
Have you held hands?
Here’s an FAQ when a new husband asked the same question
I’m probably not the one to answer the question for you. Do you have an older sister, friend, etc. to talk to? Clergy? Doctor? Therapist? Your fiance? Boyfriend.